細田秀樹 教授
田原正樹 准教授
野平直希 助教
- Machine learning-based prediction of the mechanical properties of β titanium shape memory alloys, Naoki Nohira, Taichi Ichisawa, Masaki Tahara, Itsuo Kumazawa, Hideki Hosoda, (2025) Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 34, 2634-2644. <10.1016/j.jmrt.2024.12.244>
- Comprehensive mapping of mechanical properties and martensitic transformation in Ti–Al–Mo standard ternary system: Integrating literature data and fabricating novel high-Al-content superelastic alloys, Naoki Nohira, Kenta Hayashi, Keigo Kimura, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2024) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 1009, 17841. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.176841>
- Mechanical properties of various thermomechanical processed Ti-Mo-Al-Zr and pseudo-binary (Ti-Zr)-Mo shape memory alloys for biomedical applications, Wan-Ting Chiu, Ryunosuke Hayakawa, Naoki Nohira, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2024) Materialia, vol. 37, 102194.<10.1016/j.mtla.2024.102194>
- Evaluations of Mechanical Properties and Functionalities of the Al- and Zr-Tailored Ti–5.5Mo Shape Memory Alloys for Biomedical Applications, Wan-Ting Chiu, Ryunosuke Hayakawa, Naoki Nohira, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2024) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol. 55, 4200-4211.
<10.1007/s11661-024-07529-y> - Acoustic emission during approaching the critical point on stress-temperature diagram of martensitic transformation in Ni48Fe20Co5Ga27 (at.%) single crystal, L. Daróczi, S.M. Kamel, Masaki Tahara, Volodymyr Chernenko, Hideki Hosoda, L.Z. Tóth, D.L. Beke, (2024) Intermetallics, vol. 173, 108432. <10.1016/j.intermet.2024.108432>
- Microstructural changes and mechanical property response to aging heat treatment in hypereutectoid Ti–Au–Mo biomedical alloys, Naoki Nohira, Wan-Ting Chiu, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2024) Materials Science & Engineering A, vol. 912, 146956. <10.1016/j.msea.2024.146956>
- Coupled magneto-mechanical response of laminate composites comprising a layer of Ni-Mn-Ga microparticles, DongKeun Han , WanTing Chiu, Masaki Tahara , Volodymyr Chernenko , Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez , Hideki Hosoda, (2024) Acta Materialia, vol. 277, 120158. <10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120158>
- Large recoverable strains with high recovery rates via cooperative regulation of texture and precipitation in additive manufactured NiTi alloy, C. Yang, Z.Y. Huang, T. Chen, H.Z. Lu, H.W. Ma, H.Z. Li, A. Yan, P.X. Li, H. Hosoda, W.S. Cai, (2024) Scripta Materialia, vol. 248, 116122. <10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116122>
- Strong influence of magnetic field and non-uniform stress on elastic modulus and transition temperatures of twinned Ni–Fe(Co)–Ga alloy, Anna Kosogor, Viktor Soprunyuk, Sabri Koraltan, Vladimir Golub, Dmytro Velyhotskyi, Volodymyr Chernenko, Hideki Hosoda, Dieter Suess, Wilfried Schranz, Victor A L’vov, (2024) Scientific Reports, vol. 14, 12199. <10.1038/s41598-024-62909-z>
- Correspondence of the aging behaviors and the phase constituents of the Ti-Mo-based alloys tailored by the Al and Zr additions, Wan-Ting Chiu, Ryunosuke Hayakawa, Naoki Nohira, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2024) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 991, 174509. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.174509>
- Strong grain size effect on tensile behavior of the body-centered-cubic Ti–30Zr–5Mo alloy with stress-induced α′ martensitic transformation, C. Wu, X. Zhao, M. Zhang, H. Hosoda, T. Nakano, M. Niinomi, N. Jia, Z. Shao, D. Zhang, (2024) Material Science and Engineering: A, in press. <10.1016/j.msea.2024.146455>
- On polymorphic crystal growth in a Ti-Ni-Cu-Fe system metallic glass at the glass-transition temperature, D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin, Yu.P. Ivanov, V. Semin, N. Nohira, H. Hosoda, A.L. Greer, (2024) Scripta Materialia, vol. 242, 115927. <10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115927>
- Transformation behavior and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni45Co5Mn36.7In13.3-xGex melt-spun ribbons, Meysam Norouzi-Inallu, Ali Ghotbi Varzaneh, Parviz Kameli, Jingyuan Xu, Kari Ullakko, Volodymyr Chernenko, Hideki Hosoda, Daniel Salazar, (2024) Intermetallics, vol. 165, 108152. <10.1016/j.intermet.2023.108152>
- Compression cycling and magnetic response of single crystalline Ni-Mn-Ga particles/polymer composite: In-situ and ex-situ study, Wan-Ting Chiu, Pimpet Sratong-on, Masaki Tahara, Volodymyr Chernenko, Hideki Hosoda, (2024) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 976, 173236. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.173236>
- Aging behaviors of the Al-Cu alloy via ultrasound-promoted thermal treatments, Wan-Ting Chiu, Tadashi Akama, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Kentaro Nakamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2024) Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 28, 478-489. <10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.11.253>
- Shape memory and elastocaloric properties of melt-spun NiMn-based Heusler alloys, E. Villa, F. Villa, B. Rodriguez Crespo, P. Lazpita, D. Salazar, H. Hosoda, V. Chernenko, (2023) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 965, 171437. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.171437>
- Achieving high strength and large recoverable strain by designing honeycomb-structural dual-shape-memory-alloy composite, W.S. Cai, T. Chen, H.Z. Lu, H.W. Ma, Z. Liu, A. Yan, C.H. Song, H. Hosoda, C. Yang, (2023) Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 886, 145722. <10.1016/j.msea.2023.145722>
- Alternations of hardness and tensile properties of the ultrasound-assisted aging treatments on the Al-Mg-Si alloy, Wan-Ting Chiu, Tadashi Akama, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Kentaro Nakamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 968, 172176. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.172176>
- Giant magnetoelectric effect of Ni-Mn-Ga/piezopolymer composites tailored by a martensitic transformation, Victor A. L’vov, Pedro Martins, N. Pereira, Ander Garcia Diez, Hideki Hosoda, Volodymyr Chernenko, Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, (2023) Composites Science and Technology, vol. 241, 110101. <10.1016/j.compscitech.2023.110101>
- Investigations of Shape Deformation Behaviors of the Ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Ga Alloy/Porous Silicone Rubber Composite towards Actuator Applications (Invited contribution), Wan-Ting Chiu, Yui Watanabe, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Micromachines, vol. 14, 1604. <10.3390/mi14081604>
- Fundamental Investigations of the Deformation Behavior of Single-Crystal Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys and Their Polymer Composites via the Introduction of Various Fields (Invited contribution), Wan-Ting Chiu, Motoki Okuno, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Applied Sciences, vol. 13, 8475. <10.3390/app13148475>
- A Review of Investigations on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Present Achievements of the Ti-Au-based Shape Memory Alloys (Invited contribution), Wan-Ting Chiu, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) ISIJ International, vol. 63, 1159-1171. <10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-013>
- Effects of 3d Transition Metal Substitutions on the Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties of Ti-5.5Al-11.8[Mo]eq Alloys, Naoki Nohira, Keiko Widyanisa, Wan-Ting Chiu, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Materials, vol. 16, 4526. <10.3390/ma16134526>
- Supercritical carbon dioxide-assisted gold metallization of 3D-printed structure and the tensile strength, Po-Wei Cheng, Tomoyuki Kurioka, Chun-Yi Chen, Tso-Fu Mark Chang, Wan-Ting Chiu, Hideki Hosoda, Kei Takase, Hiroshi Ishihata, Masato Sone, (2023) MRS Communications, vol. 13, 480-485. <10.1557/s43579-023-00373-y>
- Investigations of the Crystallographic Orientation on the Martensite Variant Reorientation of the Single-Crystal Ni-Mn-Ga Cube and Its Composites for Actuator Applications (Invited contribution), Wan-Ting Chiu, Motoki Okuno, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Actuators, vol. 12, 211. <10.3390/act12050211>
- Framework of magnetostrain responsive Ni-Mn-Ga microparticles driving magnetic field induced out-of-plane actuation of laminate composite, Dong Keun Han, Wan-Ting Chiu, Masaki Tahara, Volodymyr Chernenko, Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Scientific Reports, vol. 13, 7160. <10.1038/s41598-023-33945-y>
- Mechanical Properties Enhancement of Biomedical Au-Cu-Al Shape Memory Alloys by Phase Manipulation, Kang-Wei Goo, Wan-Ting Chiu, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Masato Sone, Kenji Goto, Takao Hanawa, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Materials Transactions, vol. 64, 962-966. <10.2320/matertrans.MT-MBW2022001>
- Effect of aging on isothermal ω/α” growth and resulting mechanical behaviors of the Ti-Mo-Al high temperature shape memory alloys, Naoki Nohira, Yoshiaki Oshita, Wan-Ting Chiu, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Materials Characterization, vol. 199, 112850. <10.1016/j.matchar.2023.112850>
- Shape memory effect and aging behavior of Bi-added Ti-Cr alloys for biomedical applications, Naoki Nohira, Kenta Hayashi, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 141, 105800. <10.1016/j.jmbbm.2023.105800>
- Aging behavior of Ni-Mn-Ga/silicone particulate composites exhibiting large recoverable magnetostrain, Wan-Ting Chiu, Pimpet Sratong-on, Masaki Tahara, Volodymyr Chernenko, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Scripta Materialia, vol. 227, 115277. <10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115277>
- Fabrication and mechanical properties of Bi-added Ti-Cr alloys for biomedical applications, Naoki Nohira, Kenta Hayashi, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 23, 5644-5652. <10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.02.173>
- Bi-doping engineering of Ni-Mn-Ga polycrystals and resulting grain particles for smart Ni-Mn-Ga/polymer composites, Wan-Ting Chiu, Pimpet Sratong-on, Tso-Fu Mark Chang, Masaki Tahara, Masato Sone, Volodymyr Chernenko, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 23, 131-142. <10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.12.174>
- Microstructure characteristics and superelastic properties of novel Ti-Cr-Sn superelastic alloys, Minsoo Park, Wan-Ting Chiu, Naoki Nohira, Masaya Iwasaki, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 869, 144790. <10.1016/j.msea.2023.144790>
- Platinum Metallization of Polyethylene Terephthalate by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Catalyzation and the Tensile Fracture Strength, Po-Wei Cheng, Tomoyuki Kurioka, Chun-Yi Chen, Tso-Fu Mark Chang, Wan-Ting Chiu, Hideki Hosoda, Kei Takase, Hiroshi Ishihata, Hiromichi Kurosu, Masato Sone, (2023) Materials, vol. 16, 2377. <10.3390/ma16062377>
- Investigation of the martensite variant reorientation of the single crystal Ni-Mn-Ga alloy via training processes and a modification with a silicone rubber, Wan-Ting Chiu, Akihito Goto, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2023) Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 297, 127390. <10.1016/j.matchemphys.2023.127390>
- Effects of volume fraction between single crystal Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloy and silicone rubber on the martensite variant reorientation, Wan-Ting Chiu, Akihito Goto, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 926, 166862. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166862>
- Phase constituent and microstructure manipulations via annealing for enhancements of mechanical property and functionalities of Ti-Au-Cr-Ta biomedical shape memory alloys, Wan-Ting Chiu, Kota Fuchiwaki, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 920, 166016. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166016>
- Promoted mechanical properties and functionalities via Ta-tailored Ti-Au-Cr shape memory alloys towards biomedical applications, Wan-Ting Chiu, Kota Fuchiwaki, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 133, 105358. <10.1016/j.jmbbm.2022.105358>
- Enhancement of the superelastic behavior of the Ti-Au-Cr-based shape memory alloys via the manipulations of annealing-treatments and Ta additions, Wan-Ting Chiu, Kota Fuchiwaki, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 847, 143312. <10.1016/j.msea.2022.143312>
- New dislocation dissociation accompanied by anti-phase shuffling in the α” martensite phase of a Ti alloy, Masaki Tahara, Nao Otaki, Daichi Minami, Tokuteru Uesugi, Yorinobu Takigawa, Kenji Higashi, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Acta Materialia, vol. 227, 117705. <10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117705>
- Investigations of mechanical properties and deformation behaviors of the Cr modified Ti-Au shape memory alloys, Wan-Ting Chiu, Kaoru Wakabayashi, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 897, 163134. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.163134>
- Non-linear elastic behavior of Ni-Fe-Ga(Co) shape memory alloy and Landau-energy landscape reconstruction, Kristyna Zoubkova, Hanus Seiner, Petr Sedlak, Elena Villa, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, Volodymyr Chernenko, (2022) Acta Materialia, vol. 224, 117530 <10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117530>
- Investigations of Deformation Behavior and Microstructure of Al Tailored Ti-Mo High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys during Isothermal Holding at 393 K, Naoki Nohira, Yoshiaki Oshita, Wan-Ting Chiu, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Micro, vol. 2, 113-122. <10.3390/micro2010007>
- Achievement of Room Temperature Superelasticity in Ti-Mo-Al Alloy System via Manipulation of ω Phase Stability, Naoki Nohira, Wan-Ting Chiu, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Materials, vol. 15, 861. <10.3390/ma15030861>
- Large magnetostrains of Ni-Mn-Ga/silicone composite containing system of oriented 5M and 7M martensitic particles, Wan-Ting Chiu, Pimpet Sratong-on, Masaki Tahara, Volodymyr Chernenko, Hideki Hosoda, (2022) Scripta Materialia, vol. 207, 114265. <10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.114265>
- Mechanical property enhancement of the Ag-tailored Au-Cu-Al shape memory alloy via the ductile phase toughening Ayano Toriyabe, Wan-Ting Chiu, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Kenji Goto, Hiroyasu Kanetaka, Takao Hanawa, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Intermetallics, vol. 139, 107349. <10.1016/j.intermet.2021.107349>
- Enhancement of mechanical properties and shape memory effect of Ti-Cr-based alloys via Au and Cu modifications, Wan-Ting Chiu, Kaoru Wakabayashi, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 123, 104707. <10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104707>
- Investigations of Effects of Intermetallic Compound on the Mechanical Properties and Shape Memory Effect of Ti-Au-Ta Biomaterials, Wan-Ting Chiu, Kota Fuchiwaki, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Materials, vol. 14, 5810. <10.3390/ma14195810>
- Enhancement of the shape memory effect by the introductions of Cr and Sn into the β-Ti alloy towards the biomedical applications, Wan-Ting Chiu, Kaoru Wakabayashi, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 875, 160088, <10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.160088>
- Evaluations of mechanical properties and shape memory behaviors of the aging-treated Ti-Au-Mo alloys, Wan-Ting Chiu, Takuya Ishigaki, Naoki Nohira, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 269, 124775. <10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.124775>
- Effects of Cr and Sn additives on the martensitic transformation and deformation behavior of Ti-Cr-Sn biomedical shape memory alloys, Min Soo Park, Wan-Ting Chiu, Naoki Nohira, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 822, 141668, <10.1016/j.msea.2021.141668>
- Microstructure of α + β dual phase formed from isothermal α″ phase via novel decomposition pathway in metastable β-Ti alloy, Masaki Tahara, Kazuya Hasunuma, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 868, 159237. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.159237>
- Effect of Cr additions on the phase constituent, mechanical properties, and shape memory effect of near-eutectoid Ti-4Au towards the biomaterial applications, Wan-Ting Chiu, Takuya Ishigaki, Naoki Nohira, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 867, 159037. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.159037>
- Mechanical Properties Enhancement of the Au-Cu-Al Alloys via Phase Constitution Manipulation, Kang-Wei Goo, Wan-Ting Chiu, Ayano Toriyabe, Masahiro Homma, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Kenji Goto, Takumi Sannomiya, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Materials, vol. 14, 3122. <10.3390/ma14113122>
- Influence of the precipitates on the shape memory effect and superelasticity of the near-eutectoid Ti-Au-Fe alloy towards biomaterial applications, Wan-Ting Chiu, Takuya Ishigaki, Naoki Nohira, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Tomonari Inamura, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Intermetallics, vol. 133, 107180. <10.1016/j.intermet.2021.107180>
- Elaboration of magnetostrain-active NiMnGa particles/polymer layered composites, Hideki Hosoda, Justyna Lazarczyk, Pimpet Sratong-on, Masaki Tahara, Volodymyr Chernenko, (2021) Materials Letters, vol. 289, 129427. <10.1016/j.matlet.2021.129427>
- Developments of the Electroactive Materials for Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensing and Their Mechanisms, Wan-Ting Chiu, Tso-Fu Mark Chang, Masato Sone, Hideki Hosoda, Agnes Tixier-Mita, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, (2021) Electrochem, vol. 2, 347-389. <10.3390/electrochem2020025>
- Effect of 3d transition metal additions on the phase constituent, mechanical properties, and shape memory effect of near-eutectoid Ti-4Au biomedical alloys, Wan-Ting Chiu, Takuya Ishigaki, Naoki Nohira, Akira Umise, Masaki Tahara, Hideki Hosoda, (2021) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 857, 157599. <10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.157599>
- Superelastic behavior of single crystalline Ni48Fe20Co5Ga27 micro-pillars near austenite-martensite critical point, T.-F. M. Chang, V. Chernenko, H.-C. Tang, C.-Y. Chen, A. Umise, M. Tahara, H. Hosoda, M. Sone, (2021) AIP Advances, vol. 11, 025213. <10.1063/5.0036304>
- 令和六年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞,田原正樹,「チタン系形状記憶合金のマルテンサイト変態に関する研究」,文部科学省
- 優秀発表賞,五十嵐壮日子,「Ti-Cr-Sn 超弾性合金の機械的性質に及ぼす時効の影響」,物質理工学院材料系金属分野修士中間発表会
- 優秀発表賞,尾崎滉一,「深層学習による高精度な結晶粒界抽出のための転移学習手法の構築」,物質理工学院材料系金属分野修士中間発表会
- 優秀ポスター賞,尾崎滉一,「純Tiを例とした⾼精度結晶粒界抽出のための模倣画像の⾃動⽣成と転移学習⼿法の構築」,第175回日本金属学会秋期大会
- 優秀ポスター賞,晝間悠⽃,「Ti-Nb-Al 形状記憶合⾦におけるマルテンサイト逆変態のSEM-DIC解析」,第175回日本金属学会秋期大会
- 第44回本多記念研究奨励賞,田原正樹,「チタン合金の内部組織と形状記憶特性に関する研究」,公益財団法人本多記念会
- オープンイノベータ功労賞,田原正樹,東京工業大学オープンイノベーション機構
- オープンイノベータ功労賞,邱琬婷,東京工業大学オープンイノベーション機構
- 谷川・ハリス賞,細田秀樹,日本金属学会
- Best Post Paper Award,GOO KangWei,「Mechanical properties enhancement of α-FCC + M dual-phase Au-Cu-Al alloys」,Biomaterials International 2023
- 優秀ポスター賞,江頭亨侍,「Ti-Mo-Sn-Al合金 におけるα-β変態を利用した形状回復現象と二方向自発変形」,第173回日本金属学会秋期大会
- 優秀ポスター賞,王成蹊,「Ni-Mn-Ga/ポリマー複合材料の変形挙動に及ぼすFe 粒子添加の影響」,第173回日本金属学会秋期大会
- 優秀ポスター賞,五十嵐壮日子,「Ti-Cr-Sn超弾性合金の機械的性質に及ぼす低温時効の影響」,第173回日本金属学会秋期大会
- 優秀ポスター賞,泉圭,「Ti-Mo-Al 合金単結晶における応力誘起マルテンサイトの結晶学的特徴に及ぼす応力負荷方向の影響」,第173回日本金属学会秋期大会
- 最優秀発表賞,KEIKO Widyanisa,「Effect of Aging on Microstrucure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Cr-Sn Biomedical Shape Memory Alloys」,物質理工学院材料系金属分野修士中間発表会
- 最優秀ポスター賞,江頭亨侍,「準安定β-Ti 合金におけるα-β拡散相変態を利用した自発的形状変化」,日本金属学会関東支部第20回ヤングメタラジスト研究交流会
- 最優秀ポスター賞,小野晃生,「Ti-Ni 合金単結晶における応力誘起マルテンサイト変態の結晶学的解析」,日本金属学会関東支部第20回ヤングメタラジスト研究交流会
- 最優秀ポスター賞,Keiko Widyanisa,「時効処理を施したTi-Cr-Sn 合金の組成分配挙動」,日本金属学会関東支部第20回ヤングメタラジスト研究交流会
- Best Poster Award for Young Scientists,五十嵐壮日子,「低温時効処理を施したTi-Cr-Sn超弾性合金の組織と機械的性質」,日本金属学会材料機能特性のアーキテクチャー研究会
- 最優秀ポスター賞,宮川靖弥,「生体用β-Ti系形状記憶合金単結晶における応力誘起マルテンサイト変態挙動」,日本金属学会第6回第7分野講演会
- 優秀ポスター賞,田中宏季,「固溶限近傍の高Ni組成Ni-Ti合金水冷材の組織と機械的性質」,日本金属学会第6回第7分野講演会
- 2023年度修士論文最優秀発表賞,宮川靖弥,物質理工学院材料系金属分野
- 優秀ポスター賞,金 奕霖,「Ti-Cr-Sn合金単結晶の応力誘起マルテンサイト変態挙動」,第174回日本金属学会春期大会
- 優秀ポスター賞,陳成,「L-PBFによって作製したTi-Cr-Sn合金の内部組織と超弾性特性」,第174回日本金属学会春期大会