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For the prospective foreign students who want to study metallurgy and/or material science related to metallurgy in the graduate school of Tokyo Institute Technology.

Materials Innovation changes world! Welcome to our web site!

This is Hosoda and Tahara Laboratory. Thank you for your visiting this site.

We welcome all the foreign students who pursue the nature of materials, materials technology and physical metallurgy, especially to pursue not only master degree but also Dr. degree (Ph.D.) from the scientific and engineering viewpoints. Our research topics are materials design, innovation and development for new structural and multi-functional materials and composites used for energy and medical applications. The research field of this laboratory is primary physical metallurgy, and drastic material development and improvement for the innovation of practical applications are also our targets. Not only experimental approaches but also theoretical and calculation approaches such as FEM are focused. Since this laboratory belongs not only to Department of Materials Science and Engineering but also Institute of Innovative Research (IIR), we have been strongly conducting the advanced/frontier researches. Then, students who strongly like research, science and technology are much welcome. IIR is the only one research organization of Tokyo Tech which contains 4 research laboratories, and Novel Prize Prof. Ohsumi also belongs to IIR. Our laboratory (Hosoda and Tahara Lab) belongs to two of 4 research laboratories: Laboratory for Materials and Structures (MSL) and Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology (FIRST). Then, this laboratory is a good choice for the students who want to do research.

Our research fields

  • Physical metallurgy
  • Materials design of alloys, intermetallic compounds and composites (alloy/polymer composites and metal/metal compo sites are mainly focused)
  • Phase stability, phase transformation, martensitic (diffusionless) transformation, order-disorder phase transforma tion, phase diagram.
  • Micro and nano structures, atomic arrangement, defect structures such as point defects, dislocations, APB and stac king faults
  • Microstructure control and texture formation
  • Materials processing, thermo-mechanical treatment

For the students who want to join our lab

For the students who want to join our lab and enter Tokyo Tech IGP(C) course or research student course.
・See the bottom part of this site

To the prospective students from Prof. Hosoda (Mandatory requirements for the application)

November 11th,2024 Note : We do not have any vacant posdoc position.  For the master/doctor course,  we do not write a recommendation letter for scholarships such as MEXT if a candidate does not belong to one of official “Overseas Partner Universities” of Institute of Science Tokyo. 

1. Desirable students

We welcome all the students who pursue materials science and Ph.D. However, since the limited capacity of the laboratory and acceptable number of students, we accept foreign students only who strongly pursue to take Ph.D. in the field of physical metallurgy, regardless of research student course, master course and doctor course. A few students can be accepted in a year. Then, I rarely accept foreign students who want master course only. So, if you are not interested in doctor course but master course only, I am sorry but we do not accept you and then you have to find another supervisor/laboratory.

We have accepted lots of foreign students and researchers from several countries: China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States. Not only these countries but also other countries are of course welcome.

2. To apply research student / IGP master course / IGP doctor course

Send an email to with the email title of “A letter of application: I read HP”. This mail which satisfies all the following requirements must have a reply from me, sooner or later.

In the letter, you have to attach the following electric files.
(1) CV. CV must contain your name, nationality, age, sex, career (from high school) and photo. Lists of papers, presentation, award, scholarship are added if available.
(2) University official transcript (undergraduate course and graduate course, if available).
(3) Official English score such as TOEIC and TOEFL (only for non-native English speakers). If you can speak/read/write Japanese, describe your level.
(4) Recommendation letter from your supervisor or similar person.
(5) Abstract for your graduate thesis or research at university

Besides, the followings should be described in the letter.
(1) Application course (research student/ master / doctor, IGP(A)/(B)/(C), etc.)
(2) Academic backgrounds, career
(3) Explanation why you choose this laboratory
(4) Motivation and future plan after taking Ph.D.
(5) Your research plan (this must be suitable for both you and our laboratory)
(6) Money/economy condition (the students who need a part-time job for living are not accepted. All the students are requested to concentrate study and research only))
(7) Name(s) of Universities/Professors you are applying now, and if you pass all of them, describe your first choice. Even if the situation is complex, describe it as it is, only truth.

After the careful consideration based on the documents, if you pass the selection, you will move on to an informal interview by skype or related to check the academic ability. If you pass it, you are recognized to apply the suitable course and an official entrance examination will be held with several professors. If you pass it, you will be a student of Tokyo Tech and my laboratory.

3. Recommended course

Case 1: If you are not familiar with Japan and Japanese style and custom, or if your present major is not related metallurgy, Research Student Course for a half year or one year at first and then you will consider graduate school.

Case 2: If your major is metallurgy or similar at undergraduate course and you have sufficient academic ability for master course, IGP(C) Master Course. However, if you are not familiar with Japan and you cannot speak Japanese at all, Research Student Course for a half year in advance is recommended.

Case 3: If your major is metallurgy or similar at both undergraduate course and master course, and you have sufficient academic ability as a doctor course student in Materials Science and Engineering, IGP(C) Doctor Course (Ph.D. course). However, if you are not familiar with Japan and you cannot speak Japanese at all, Research Student Course for a half year in advance is recommended.

Case 4: If your major is not metallurgy but you have master degree in another science/engineering field such as physics and mechanics with sufficient basic academic ability, IGP(C) Master Course at first. Then, next you will go to Doctor Course. In the master course you can study basic metallurgy to take credits. It is possible to shorten not only master course but also Ph.D. course, depending on your ability and research results. The minimum to take Ph.D. is three years in total (master and doctor). As for the the student who has graduated metallurgy but do

東京科学大学 総合研究院


〒226-8501 神奈川県横浜市緑区長津田町4259-R2-27

Hosoda and Tahara Laboratory

Institute of Integrated Research
Institute of Science Tokyo

R2-27, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 226-8501 Japan

Copyright © Hosoda and Tahara Laboratory